Reddit all things terran. chargelot stalker isn't the problem.

It's a hell of an opening salvo. I think one of Terran's biggest advantages is that they're adaptable to the situation. This is the place for indie devs and gamers to share anything, be it game development, their favorite games or just cool images, GIFs and music from an indie game in a casual community-run environment. I learned the basics from vibe’s b2gm series and dabbled into playing protoss and mech terran for a bit. Log In / Sign Up Welcome to /r/Netherlands! Only English should be used for posts and comments. What is considered All that for a dive into the natural completely on creep. the terran will open hellions or hellbats, or BC If terran opens 2-1-1 or turtle with tanks for whatever reason, zerg just get behind. Generally speaking u can do this 8-1-1 3rax no add-on transition after any opening but two base all-in, it’s a very powerful style. Command centers in the current selection, no scv produced but I will make them after the critical rax/factory switch. Not sure which to choose. This to mass units for an earlier push before the mech player could really start producing. ViBE's bio Terran B2GM is very strange and is not how you should play bio at all. For example, how do you control your army/rally point if you can't hotkey them as they're warping in/in egg form? Like sure protoss has same issue, but for like 3 collosi or a handful of voids you make. Besides that, it looks ok for TvP (blink is decent, but terran has a big 3 base advantage on droppability) and TvZ will be hell if it's cross spawns. A clean tech tree. Cloack banshee, tank push, hellion reaper pressure, etc. it's immortal. How would a lower level player do this? an easy way is to all in and solely focus on the success of a push. I love 3 things, terran race, macro games and winning, but sadly from this composition I can take only 2 of options. ) Protoss incentivized having fewer of the correct army comp for the job, where quality outweighs quantity. All the units are ranged, and higher tier units' range are insanely long. So all at the moment when you want to make your 3rd CC you should cut workers for a very short while, then resume. yet. Just my two cents. :D Terran strength: information and heavily specified unit roles. But my friend who just learned to magic box is crushing my 200/200 mech pushes with mass mutas and 15-20 roaches+queens. As a generalization though, attacking when you hit 200 supply is a beginner friendly basic approach to macro that I wouldn't suggest continuing in Diamond+. I forget the exact building count, but I am thinking total 20 buildings (16rax)? [addition:]Well I just remember Pig is doing a new terran one, right now. Everything from the most basic of questions to complex, in-depth theorycrafting can be found here. One that we've been experimenting with to great effect is hydra/lurker paired with sky terran (mostly viking/ranged lib, but adding in BCs and ravens as you go further into the game). I haven't lost to a zerg that a moved banes/ultras in ages. Battery shield OP. Pros : Strong timing vs toss, limit the things they can do Expand , if he has 4, you should be on 6 bases with 70 workers and 5 Starports pumping out BC, meanwhile keeping an eye out on his bases and army, having a banshee hit squad of about 5-10 banshess constanly harrasing his mineral lines or triyng to snipe his mech units such as siege tanks. Tanks or ranged liberators. 1. ever. When a zerg is a moving into your army, stim all your units then select only your marines and start stutter stepping backwards with them. Have just the marines on ctrl group 2. Before you micro (reaper, drop ship) I like to que 2-3 on each CC Im a d2 protoss player and a clan mate of mine is a D3 terran and he did the mech build against me and it worked pretty well, but theres a few things to keep in mind: If protoss stays on one robo immortal and relies too heavily on the chargelot portion of CIA composition (and hellbats do pretty good vs chargelots) then its fairly even. At Bronze/Silver if you can get up to 2 bases of workers (32 on minerals, anywhere from 0 to 12 on gas depending on your composition) quickly & then mass units you may beat a lot of players just focusing on macroing 2 bases well. . Only play terran and Am able to beat the other races without any problems using vibes bronze to gm thor hellbat build. In general I like different things from both and I don't like different things from both. The other route requires aggressive play and micro goes into it. I gave terran a go and im currently in plat. The widow mine change is just awesome in every matchup and last but not least moving some air upgrades to the fusion core instead of the tech lab attached to a starport is such a QoL improvement. Highest skill ceiling, hardest to learn, hardest to master. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. It's a 12 rax 15 gas with 2 scv's something like 21 CC, 25 3rd CC in base 29 reactor switch for fact get 2nd factory when moving down 2nd orbital when 4th hellion finishes, then double armory when you have the gas, then 2 more tech lab factory into bfh + thor, with tanks if he goes mass roach. A few things you can try: making vikings (2?) to guard the area around your base and kill overlords. Here’s a dirty little Terran secret that will allow you to crush Zerg all the way to low Plat. Hello im a diamond 2 terran So lately in TvT i ve found tons of players going full mech, getting 3-4 bases and defend those bases until they max 200/200 and crush me, for this matchups I go marine/tank/medivac to abuse the low mobility of my opponent. but when i have an excess gas bank while playing terran, i have no idea what to build. To create a situation that is very unrealistic and then say "Imagine how good it would be if we add in all the realism that benefits Terran" is completely one-sided, and I was just presenting the counter-argument of "Imagine if we add in all the realism that benefits Protoss". Here's a look at 10 things you may not know about the faction. I have been looking for a guide consisting of one macro build per match-up where… Because a lot of these points don't actually apply to playing mech. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Only need one viking in the early game and add a second after your medivacs are out. You do things you need to do (additional barracks, gasses, ebays) but you are still floating 2000 resources. it solely relies upon putting pressure on your opponents at specific times of the game. I changed mine so that all abilities are bound to d, f and g. This is proof that the lack of terrans in higher leagues is due to the race being harder than the others. You kind of picked the worst patch ever though to play and learn Mech because bio is basically freewins and overpowered on the current map pool. You have to do so many things right and at the same time its crazy. Second, you don't need it to be perfect to work. In almost all cases the mutas will come from the blind side of the main and head straight to the mineral line hoping to kill all your workers, but will stop if they see a particularly vulnerable unit like a tank. High level AI zergs won't build banelings against terran because they're used to playing against perfect micro. Terran can be damaged to the point of almost instantly losing a game, if the Protoss manages to hide the Dark Shrine well enough. I have never seen a terran play at the perfection the race's skillcap admits, while i have seen some protoss (Parting for example) play some games that i feel was using his race to 100% of its potential. From macro to micro, cheese defense, scouting, and so on. Try using something as bait, maybe an important building or a juicy unit like a tank. The things I hate that Terran does the most are widow mine drops by FAR. Hello! I’m mech terran, but almost never battle mech. For minor tournaments Terran looks a little better at 5 Terran, 1 Protoss, and 3 Zerg, but you are still looking at a small sample size. The build is easy and has high tolerance against mistakes. Strategy, discussion and questions are welcome, but anything related to Zerg is ok! Terran cant do much in terms of scouting except 2 really practical things Scouting and dropping, maybe Liberator siege Now of course Dropping and liberator is not the ideal scout, since thats not its main purpose anyways, but scans!! If you know certain timings and scan in right moment you can see so much As these guys stated, it's basically a feel thing. Also Island bases for some strange reasons. Aug 10, 2020 ยท The Terran are a pivotal part of Starcraft lore. Feel free to agree or disagree. I have no idea of what I'm doing. Strategy, discussion and questions are welcome, but anything related to Zerg is ok! All Things Zerg is a discussion/help subreddit focusing on the Zerg race from Blizzard Entertainment's critically acclaimed RTS game Starcraft 2. I use c as my rapid fire key to spread creep and cast corrosive bile and such as zerg and was wondering which spells are rapid fire musts for terran. And my comment was mainly against the final sentence. The world is your canvas and the ground itself is your paint. You should play the wings of liberty campaign. With nerfed queen range TvZ actually feels like I have some good harrassment options. Hope this helps. Sure when your 3rd cc is landing you can have an excess of workers, that’s great in a macro game, then just transfer them. You have to Ctrl click or make a separate hot key and focus fire the ones that are brain washing your thors. I will drop a proxy pylon and gate at some point and start warping in. Cons : Bad vs Blink (or Terran or Zerg). The Science Vessel had Irradiate, super effective against mass Zerg units. Did protoss first, using a reactive macro style that went into the IAC death blob + counter and it was hard but doable. But when i play ai terran on hardest difficulty it turns into maru and i get slapped up by marines, medivacs, liberators, ravens, vikings, and siege tanks. I am a master zerg player who want to improve my terran off race. As for your points. the reason ravens aren't used in most games is because how expensive they are. You need to force him to unsiege and/or split his army, to do this, 2 medivacs 1 tank and 12 marines. The insane skillcap it has. So while Zerg or Protoss is on 80 workers, 120 army supply maxed out, Terran can have the same economy off of 50 workers, 150 army supply. Terran takes a little from both worlds: punishes enemies on his sight line with strong punching units (siege tanks and liberators). Strategy, discussion and questions are welcome, but anything related to Zerg is ok! My low diamond view is that Terran has the best low-tech army (MMM+Tank), which the opponents tech units try to answer; Terran's tech units are situational and designed to counter the enemy's tech, rather than their armies. All Things Zerg is a discussion/help subreddit focusing on the Zerg race from Blizzard Replay Analysis - Sampling of Terran Games - PiG B2GM I am terran Silver using PiGs B2GM build. With your build I am having relatively easy time against Protoss and Terran but have only beaten just one Zerg, and he was tilting hard considering the BM throughout the game towards Terran. It's not as common but there are plenty of higher level players who mech exclusively up to GM. Pure Terran air vs skytoss is tough to be sure. But that isn’t all Terran has to offer. Hellions+cyclones looks cool and fun, but it’s not the best army composition at all! Probably, TvZ is the best match up for battle mech. Strategy, discussion and questions are welcome, but anything related to Zerg is ok! Build your structures and move on. The army comp sounds solid. If you get a second base, you could do the 6 Factory strategy in TvT and TvP. These are a representative sample of previous games… Masters Terran here, what’s your BO first? Normal scv scout at 17-18 (click to opponent main) will see the missing rax If doing a 1:1:1 , After scouting lack to rax, bring reaper to possible jump up spot bring a few scvs (after you start your factory) to help tank initial 2 reapers, continuous marine production, send scouting scv to find proxy (if you have to micro after scouting the proxi Vs Protoss, go gas before rax, send your second SCV out to eBay block, marine, factory, reactor on barracks, depots, second gas, then use the SCV that built the e baby to proxy starport somewhere, flip your factory onto the reactor, get some hellions over to the starport and drop in their main, expand, maybe run a couple heklions into the natural too? I usually see Terran 2-3 base turtle tank mine into 6++ battlecruiser (This is when static defense is no longer suffcient) in the lower leagues. Now I'm trying Terran and it seems impossible to, well, do anything I usually play Vibes Battle Mech build from his most recent B2GM Terran Diamond vid. It's hard because it requires mechanical perfection more than the other two, supply buildings take longer to build as T, production buildings can be an easy to miss bottleneck, just sitting back and macroing a game usually ends up with us behind so we have to harass to keep up which makes the race hard to access as a newer player. 6k terran here. In my case I go for siege tanks instead of mines. 9k protoss and 1. If you're an indie gamer, this place welcomes you too! After all, every gamer is a potential indie developer!. Minute 9, your all in hits his natural, you are at 104 supply, your 3rd is just started. 261 votes, 83 comments. Strategy, discussion and questions are welcome, but anything related to Zerg is ok! In 2022, all 3 major tournaments were won by Zerg (2 by Reynor). Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Point 1 This is really badly worded. F2 engagement (which you should win if you're playing properly, since they probably spent all their money on either static defense or low-tech units) Lower MMR players actively avoid doing the things that leave pros vulnerable to drops. After a million games as zerg I just want to improve in something new. I love to play terran and I have 50+ matches against AI, but I suck at 1v1 using terran (4 proper win out of 20 matches). The most reasonable answer is airports. This community is all focused around the League of Legends champion Kindred and their gameplay, art, lore, their state in the meta etc. tv/root_supernova. Vipers have more health than Ghosts, they fly, they have parasitic bomb which casts instantly and then runs away and is just like a Raven Turret crossed with Interference Matrix. Chargelot Immortal Archon seems to do better than Hellbat Thor when attacking into 5 to 10 enemy tanks in siege mode. Without domestic airport, how would all the terrans get to your base? Makes zero Some great streamers that mech in all 3 matchups are: twitch. Like the title says, I’d like to bring to everyone’s attention about a deceiving Zerg all-in that I’ve encountered a couple of times on the ladder, back to back. My aim has been to take all three races to plat using vibe's macro builds, then pick one to focus on. So back to the main point, I've noticed a LOT of hate towards my mech style of play from all matchups: terran call me cheeser because I use little marines and if I win, I don't deserve to be a terran and if I lose, I suck and should uninstall. If you don't like big maps stay away. On GW, there is all kinds of air space and angles to take. Against terran, you need lots of marines and tanks and Vikings and liberators to break their siege line. First, there’s a zealot rush, and possible all-in. I think BIO is better against protoss and much is easier against Zerg. Reply reply The second option they have is to Roach/Queen Drop or Nydus all in you. The Dominion logo is the symbol of the antagonist Terran faction in the game's story. if they attack my expantion I need to bring my slow army back there and then siege wich sound so stupid. Feel free to post about any of these things or how Lamb is the best waifu :P Thank you for visiting, and we all hope you enjoy your stay here! Feel free to join our Discord: https://discord. At home, I’ll get 3 gates, and possibly put a robo at the proxy. They are usually burrowed, so in similar fashion to playing against lurkers with mech, you'll want to get those extra orbitals out to stock pile energy for scans. Battlecruiser is most suitable for tvt, since the primary terran anti's air is marine, which struggle against highly armoured bc. Now when I play toss or zerg and i have an excess of gas, its simple, spam templar or ravager/lurker/infestor. So you bleed units until they're all in on immortal, you have a BC switch ready, and then once they have invested everything to heavy immortal, you reveal the BC's. Add your new production to their appropriate control groups before they complete. Recently I tried to rank with protoss using 4 gates + proxy Immortal build. The control groups and making them with cntr+ are bound to qwert whilst changing camera and binding camera are the number keys cause I can't be bothered with stretching to F3 F4 F5 etc. Having less bases makes it somewhat easier to defend since you don't have to invest as much in static defenses or spread your army as much to cover all the things you have. Alphastar ended up doing best with protoss because perfectly micro'd blink stalkers and disruptors are absurdly strong. Consider paring things that are lower risk high reward: - Light early game harrass into synergizing late-game army comps. With lucky/good timing, 2 DT's can almost completely kill a Terran, unless they lift and try to go for a base race while building up more energy for scans. Have your whole bio ball in a ctrl group on 1. He replied "Ok, he's going mech. Inexperienced player here. Terran is in the middle of a lot of things: Number of units in the army, cost of individual units, overall mobility. If they're playing bio you can slowly crawl up with tanks and a few hellions. For the floods that was the Gravemind, while for zerg it was the Overmind. CC first into 2CC all in beats hatch first because it's greedier early and more agro in the mid game while hatch first is just greedy and then gets punished. When the rax is done, make a reactor and a factory. Saying never is a giant extreme that just doesn't fit at all. Hi, I'm a 1. All Things Zerg is a discussion/help subreddit focusing on the Zerg race from Blizzard Entertainment's critically acclaimed RTS game Starcraft 2. Don't try to mech at all on this map in TvT. A Terran is so, so much stronger when they're able to outpace their opponents in the midgame. If it continues to be popular we will see more zergs 12pool Vs terran and keep it in check but this hasn't happened yet. From zerg I love the general mobility and speed. And even If I mastered late game comopistion and even the chances, I don't like that playstyle - just defending and waiting for maxing out. we are all entitled to our opinion. Terran is a middle ground. Stim Bio/Whatever you have to sweep the leg (kill the army, focusing AoE and/or wiping out undefended mineral lines) now that the Protoss is distracted. The all-in hits at around 5:45-6:15 depending on the map and number of ravagers they decide to go for. Terran also is the best race at healing, thanks to medivacs (granted, shield batteries heal faster, but medivacs are really mobile) and SCV or mule repairing. Terran is obliterated hard vs Toss and has no way to play around, and vs zerg When I complained about uderwhelming state of T lategame I was told it's perfectly fine vs zerg because I need to build properly. Strategy, discussion and questions are welcome, but anything related to Zerg is ok! There are a variety of strategies & each strategy has a different "plan", & then those plans can change depending on what you scout. I know what I'm doing wrong, but, don't know how to begin to do things right. How do all those marines just pop out of that barracks? The SCV builds a building, and marines just magically appear all game long? Are they test-tube babies? Or are there Terrans "gettin' jiggy wit it" in there? Unlikely. The terran will not scv scout or reaper scout 2. It’s free and a good introduction. Essentially, your APM and your macro reflect how much you know about the game. I'm pretty sure, even without the prior knowledge of fight back on Earth, that the Sc2 Terrans would have plenty of experience fighting in space. In gold, things are not optimized for all-in, but there are still aggressive openers. Click on the rax, Z, fuck I missclicked it and now all my command centers are flying in the air :/ Now I always want to have stuff producing in my CC before lifting the rax. Pig's is a 2base all-in. That includes things like understanding the point at which additional attention won't significantly contribute to a drop's or attack's success so you can go back home and macro. This is Reddit's home for Computer Role Playing Games, better known as the CRPG subgenre! CRPGs are characterized by the adaptation of pen-and-paper RPG, or tabletop RPGs, to computers (and later, consoles. Practice getting 2 base before barracks, maybe three, and if you see resources stacking from a supply block make buildings to offset the mistake. Also things like zerglings banes mutas and the more "freestyle" approach of bos. I play league of legends so needless to say I'm a simple minded individual LUL. 3-1-1 after 1-1-1 is used vs toss as it has a strong timing that can kill the toss if not prepared enough. 120 vs 120 I agree Terran would be the weakest, but if played correctly when maxed out in the super late game Terran should have the largest army supply because of this. So if we look at all the major 1v1 tournaments of the past 2 years we get 3 Terran champs, 3 Protoss champs, and 3 Zerg champs. You messed up your macro for a move that should have lost you all hellions while killing nothing. Terran has medium cost medium quality units. As someone said, I am zerg and most roach warren commitments in early game are a gamble. You pretty much want to be constantly producing scvs from all your command centres until you reach 60-70 (3 base saturation). Recently I noticed there is no longer much of a standing post/link for our discord so I wanted to make a new post about it and share the link! Nice things about joining the Discord: Terrible gold 3 terran here, not sure what to do here. It's all about the game plan, a good EPM (effective actions per minute) and good macro come from knowing what's going to happen next. And if they are prepared then they can be delaying probes, tech or upgrades to hold. not to mention they can roll over you while you siege. I'd love to find some drills to learn the above topics in a structured Honestly all the maps are worth playing on (this was true last season too) some are better or worse for each race but they're all actually good to decent maps. Luckily for you, your hellions died and you start to macro. I have checked out Terrancraft and a couple of videos but the reason I make this thread is because I am looking for the most efficient way to go about learning terran. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. So, you grab ghosts if they have HT; vikings if they have Collossi, etc. the better your macro the higher you will get until P2-3. Strategy, discussion and questions are welcome, but anything related to Zerg is ok! Infestors aren't gimicky top Zergs make them to counter lategame Terran all the time, esp vs mech. Side note, in tvt combatshield trumps stim, 100% of the time. If the enemy doesn't storm you should win if your army's are around the same size. Once a terran has one marauder on the field, the protoss can´t really move out on the map unless he commits to a lot of gateway units. It's still pretty commonly used as one of the Terran main symbols because the Dominion is generally considered the biggest Terran force (not entirely true with the UED but that's a lore debate for another day). But just staying in my base waiting for late game and maxing out 200/200 doesn't feel like a good idea, beacuse late game protoss/zerg is stronger than late game terran (at least at my skill level). They just force you to beat them in a head-on, F2 vs. You will most likely have 6 Hellions (if you 1-1-1 follow up), maybe 1 bunker with 3-4 Marines and if you're lucky, two cyclones or a banshee. Mech feels less viable in tvp; my personal experience. Disruptors can't be everywhere and require decent micro and time to be useful at all. There are a lot of creative pillars or no pillars at all that still provide good scouting options. On a tactical level, you need to be shooting the Yamato cannons to alpha strike a good portion of that skytoss off the field. The Terrans/UNSC were always at the disadvantage because they weren't as technological as the Protoss/Covenant and not as adaptive as the Zerg/Flood. SpellForce is a real-time strategy and role-playing series created by Phenomic. think about it this way 1 raven is the gas equivalent of get 1/1 on bio. Don't forget, when sharing screenshots from your runs, to also share the unique code so others can try the same run. AllThingsProtoss is a subreddit dedicated to the discussion of StarCraft: Brood War and StarCraft 2, focusing in particular on the Protoss. The first release was published by JoWooD Productions and Encore Software in 2003 and the latest by THQ Nordic (Nordic Games), the current owner of the JoWooD publishing label, in 2023. I was looking for a cheese like this for terran. Climbed to diamond, and now, precisely today, I decided to switch back to terran. Picking up drops and dropping are c and x. Bonus points: all of your production builds on one hotkey, all of your upgrade buildings on another hotkey, all of your command centers on another hotkey, and get supply capped. Terran´s don´t abuse the map control early to spot these things. You just get 6 Factories and make Vultures, Tanks, and one Armory so you can eventually start making Goliaths. Terran production is simpler than zerg in regard to decision making. I've been having trouble getting out of silver 1 with Macro-based Terran games, I almost got out of silver with protoss in one night with Proxy void ray shield battery. Super fast hellions build for 2v2: 14 gas Rax 16 gas Pump gas until you hit 150. Hey guys, I'm trying to learn Terran but have only played zerg and I only have custom keybinds done for zerg (it's a mix between classic, grid, and some other things). People will tell you that mech in all 3 matchups isn't viable (especially TvP), but that just isn't true. Terran is not the race to max out and move across the map. Most important step. i just dont understand why other race have ability like creep tumor, recall,warp in, nydus to defend while terran is stuck with siege unit wich take year to reposition. With that said, Terran Mech is the most fun strategy to play in SC2, it's the hyperscaling composition that allows Terran to play lategame versus the other races on even terms. When you'll have been laddering a bit you'll be facing opponents of your level. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. What I like of terran is that it's a marksman race. Also play Thor Hellion Banshee with early double armory and try to hit a 2 - 2 maxed out timing asap. A little over a week ago i posted here asking about how to start terran, now im in gold and liking mech with heavy blue flame harass. U can’t just stay and fight. Hello r/starcraft many of you may know about the moderatly sucessful subreddit r/AllThingsTerran with its whopping 61… A community forum for all things related to RTS/RPG Spellforce series. Terran units still mostly do okay as well (mines, marines somewhat, thor, mass-viking, ghost) but for the ultimate counter Terran should also switch to air for BC [beat carrier per supply by a mile], Raven, viking and maybe have some support groun units. It's one reason I recommend you look up builds and games or to even just watch some streams whilst relaxing to see how these things typically develop and to get an idea about the strategy side of things in the matchup. You can pretty much always come up with a unit that's a good counter to what the enemy is doing. The thing is 1 base terran can open many things and they all need different units. It's not similar. Terran that's your bread and butter with marines. So I am a bit lost as to why Zerg just overruns my 7:30 timing push consisting of 3-4 tanks/ 30ish marines/the first liberator and a few medivacs. This is what I feel. and make a shit ton of ccs. Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to Battle Aces, a free-to-play, next-gen RTS developed by Uncapped Games. If the game were balanced you would see similar percentages in all leagues. You might as well be protoss if you don't know how to micro and prefer the game on easy mode. But in 4v4, what the enemy is doing can be highly varied, so it often feels like Terran's advantage in adaptability is largely mitigated. After the bc left, you are flabbergasted and stop producing scvs for like a minute, hoping to all in him with 4 vikings 1 raven 4 tanks 2 medivacs and some marines that don't have combat shields. Once you finish your macro queueing, tap "Select Builder" and it will select all the SCVs currently building structures in that group. Mid and late game feels also very flexible with zerg. gg/pGTJFQG Ok so for some context, I am only D3, so I may say some stupid and noobish things. So far my level is low platinum. TvT can be really tough. On EE zergs can fly in from behind the natural or across the deadspace between the 3rd and main. When all your marines are behind your marauders, start stutter stepping with your entire army. Tournaments reflect this: there's always something like 1 terran, 2 protoss, and 3 zerg, and terran tends to win. chargelot stalker isn't the problem. This might apply less to pro´s, but it´s not surprising to see a terran get caught of guard against an allin or against warp prism play. It is literally as big as alterzim. For that build I just use standard Hellidon banshee expand then drop double armory and then go up to 3 fac then 5 fac with 3 base. starcraft is very easy if you don't fuck up your build. Coming from Zerg where you make workers and army separate, as Terran remember the SCVs production should never stop. Worst thing you can do is get caught unsieged. Build MMM (Marine, Marauder, Medivac) the classic Bio comp. Started playing a few months ago, have only the free game downloaded. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue. Scan in advance and queue them up if possible. Extra ccs means you always have one waitng to replace a base if it gets taken and extra mules is just baller; less scvs = bigger army Strayed a little off topic but these are all useful terran techniques Mass liberators and doom drops, when terran is sieged up you canot break him by brute force, its just throwing units at the tanks. I don't know about that one? A place for all things Monster Train, discussions, suggestions, memes, screenshots. Terran unlike zerg or protoss is a lot more flexible in regards to late game comp. Hello, everyone, I am the new Reddit moderator of r/AllThingsTerran and a long time mod/admin on our discord server for this Reddit. The thing is, the terran is a lot more micro intensive. For me in Gold League, it was not about which ones are bad for Terran, but which ones are just weird and have to be played differently - I have a hard enough time trying to macro properly, I don't need weird shit to "spice things up" like pocket 3rd bases :-) So Moondance and Stargazers for me. Now, what’s a Terran supposed to do when faced with mass Corruptors in SC2? Yes! Ha I’m only D2. At 150 gas, remove SCV from the gas, put them in the mineral line so you hit 16. Doing all that constantly on the move with his small, frigile, but powerful army. Vibe's attacks at max supply, while adding enough production buildings to remake the entire army. Well, I think terran has an advantage at the range, as all terran units (except for the SCV) are ranged. tv/frobie_ twitch. Expand user menu Open settings menu. But here is a one big problem - micro! Battle mech requires too much micro. " His response was, 5-1-1 on 2 bases and stop scv production once bases were saturated. That said, I know next to nothing about Terran. It makes things a lot easier if you know the different paths the games can go down. Its annoying as fuck, the opening looks normal, baracks into gas, when you SCV scout you may think that the are going the normal reaper into expand, but nope, they hide another raxs on the map, pumping out 2/3 reapers against your only solo reaper, its annoying as hell, the factory isnt even done yet when they arrive so producing helions is just a waste of time by the time they fucking kill The majority (Arguably all) terran units are much more effective units when they are utilised for defence - much more so than any other race (Except maybe queens, blizzard, please fix) Examples of this are siege tanks, liberators and ghosts (Also bio when positioned correctly, Vikings and cyclones are other examples) This is what I was looking for Thanks :D. However, 3 reasons you should not play "only" mech would be a title that makes more sense because mech can be played in all 3 matchups. "Good" eco is subjective & I would say also depends on skill level. In the terran race you can go with different playstyle, they are both very strong but very different: BIO and MECH. Strategy, discussion and questions are welcome, but anything related to Zerg is ok! The official subreddit for discussing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure. First, if it's true that Terran are the worst offender when it comes to abuse timing pushes, having a well executed, well timed build order is important for every race. Combined with this, terran has some really good harassment options both in the early and late game: hellions,reapers, widow mines, liberators, medivac drops, banshees I jumped on terran and it feels very hard. Golden Wall, Eternal Empire, and Cerulean Falls are good examples even tho all 3 have pillars. I love playing terran right now. All the lift hotkeys to Z so it's easier to access it. Learn to macro a 1 base 3 rax stim push that hits before 8:30. All Things Zerg is a discussion/help subreddit focusing on the Zerg race from Blizzard Entertainment's critically acclaimed RTS game Starcraft 2. my terran is awful. Lategame dump extra minerals into extra production structures as terran has the slowest rate of army rebuild. they are amazing units but there are better options to spend your money on in most situations until you get to really late game where ravens are fucking amazing because you've most likely been banking a ton of gas and a flock of 10+ ravens Also you have to remember that the Dominion, Kel-Morian Combine, and Umojan Protectorate have all Benn in existence for several hundred years by the time SC started. PiG's Terran B2GM build is 3-Rax, which shouldn't really work in TvT, but he can of course make it work with his mechanics and game sense. congratulations you're basically high diamond. You're not making enough units so the immortal problem isn't a problem. Terran are pretty good at bunkering up and defending their front lines with tanks, turrets, libs, mines, and bunkers. nothing else matters but your build. Only have 63 workers to have a large army, if u make workers all the time, because scvs are as cheap as marines, with this 8-1-1 style probably u can max out a little faster, but it will be less practical. period. Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. To do that you need good scouting and decision making. Both species assimilate all life forms into their "swarms" while all being controlled by all powerful sentient being. When Blizzard developed SC2, they swapped out the Science Vessel from SC1 for the Raven, which just doesn’t cut it as a good substitute. Terran will lead off with their first few units in the opening minutes, then protoss with either get a tech structure allowing for a higher tech unit that terran has to react to, or an upgrade that empowers protoss's existing units to suddenly deal with terran's opening units well; then the ball is in Protoss's court. For a log time Terran had more bronze players than the other races and then less Terran players in the rest of the leagues. With all your spare minerals you should turret up all over to stop drops because you're too immobile to deal with them. Zerg will usually want to tech to broodlords, vipers and hydras with some tanky unit mixed in, protoss will go robo and storm if they aren't going golden armada and Terran will adjust their comp are certain timings before those races hit a decent mark, like I just seen a stream last night of a M2 Terran who scanned somewhere around 430 mark and he saw 2 factories. Especially since you're bronze map shouldn't matter too much. I usually only mech vs Z if I scout no gas 6 queen opening. It could be annoying. Flying buildings, repairable units, orbital scans, reapers (the ones that hop cliffs for harassment ). Feels weaker to alot of all ins and things like ruptors and voids and take pretty good trades Tvz; both bio and mech feel very viable however banes smach marines and ultras can break the late game quickly Tvt; both are viable but mechanical feels superior. I like to switch to a proxy chargelot build if I see an early CC. Battle Aces represents a paradigm shift in the RTS genre that allows players to customize a specific Unit Deck before each match, making for intense battles, full of strategic depth at its highest levels of play. I don't really like reaper FE in TvT, but if you really want to do it, I would build a bunker in low ground (with cc also in low ground) and rush to tank. Im a diamond toss main who occasionally tries out zerg. 1-2 good emps do a lot. This works especially well for players like me that keep their Rax/Facts/SPorts all on one group. Otherwise scout ahead with your army when you move out. tqbuuga pgbie padfn kchyd rkdvl matd qnax nqo msgr vufvj